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Enter/select values in any/all of the following fields. Selecting values for "Days", "Start Time", "End Time", "Course Title" and "Instructor" will result in longer search time. You can select multiple values for the field "Subject Area", by holding down the control (Ctrl) key and selecting the required values.
Click here to view complete course descriptions, prerequisites, and more in the Catalog.
A link in the course will bring you back to this Search screen.

  • Web Component - Applied to hybrid courses. Hybrid courses are courses that have up to 80% of the course online and require some face-to-face meetings.
  • Pure Internet - Applied to online courses. This class may require exam proctoring at any TLCC, any approved off-campus testing center, or using the online proctoring service. (Note that not all faculty allow use of the online proctoring service. Use of the online proctoring service has additional fees. Please click here to learn more.)
  • Online Class - Requires Testing on Polk State Campus - Applied to online courses that require exam proctoring in the College's TLCC.
  • Class Schedule - Search by Term
    Directions: Complete only the items for which you are interested in searching. NO FIELDS ARE REQUIRED. Press the "Search Now" button to search for classes matching your criteria.
    for selected course/classes. to original settings.


    Class Status:
    Credit Type:

    For online classes, please select "Pure Internet" in
    the Alternative Instructional Method section below.
    Course Title/ Key Word:
    Tip: Type Child or Hist to search for classes with that text in the title or description.
    Course ID/Number:

    Tip: Type ENC instead of ENC1101, to find all courses starting with "ENC".
    Instructor Name:
    Tip: Search for your favorite instructor! (Example Smith or Jones)
    Start Time: End Time:
    Days: Monday
    AA Electives: Any Courses
    1 Credit Electives
    2 Credit Electives
    3 Credit Electives
    4 Credit Electives
    5 Credit Electives
    6+ Credit Electives
    Day Type: Any Combination of Days
    Only Selected Days
    Subject Area:

    for selected course/classes. to original settings.

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